Did you realize that we spend 90% of our time indoors on average? This means that the environment in which we live and work has a significant impact on how we feel and act. Environmental or spatial psychology is concerned with how people interact with one another and with the environment in which they live. Lighting, colors, furniture and space layout, scale, proportions, acoustics, and the materials used in the room all have an impact on the individual and can cause a variety of emotions and actions.
When it comes to interior design, we can fairly assume that it is critical to consider the social and psychological needs of the people who live there. Because of an unique portion of the brain that is responsible for the direct effect on people’s subconscious, the geometry of the living space stimulates emotions and perception. As a result, interior design has been ingrained in human psychology. Interior design has a major impact, and it is the architect’s obligation to offer concrete solutions for clients and include these ideas into their designs, even if it isn’t the only element.
Although the most important considerations for an architect and interior designer to consider are safety, social connectivity, ease of mobility, and sensory stimulation, more particular measures such as light, paint, art, ventilation, and so on should also be considered. Inner harmony can be achieved by design elements such as balance, proportion, symmetry, and rhythm.
Colors, on the other hand, follow a much more straightforward logic: the warmer the color, the smaller the room. Colors can also provide a sense of well-being or encourage dialogue. From a practical standpoint, light is critical. Low light denotes a dreary environment, but bright light denotes a more vibrant visual impression. Natural light encourages innovation and regeneration.
Scientists are having a hard time figuring out why some spaces generate anxiety in people while others, on the other hand, soothe them down. This is due to the fact that some of these environmental elements are not visible or touchable, yet they may be felt. Here are a few illustrations.
Black and white tiles are used on the floors.
For many years, black and white floors have dominated the interior. We’ve seen them in old movies and photos, so they bring back memories for us. But did you know that a black and white floor has an effect on our sight and psyche? In a wide space, such a floor provides our brain the impression that it is heterogeneous. As a result, we feel compelled to move quickly throughout space. Isn’t it enthralling? As a result, in spaces where people need to move rapidly, such as long corridors, lobbies, stations, cafes, and so on, use a black and white floor.
With the appropriate lighting, you can create the right atmosphere.
Is it true that you smile more when the weather is nice? It’s no coincidence that lighting affects how we feel and interpret things. Pay attention to the lighting in your favorite restaurant the next time you go. Because the dull light inhibits us from feeling full, restaurants turn off the lights. In low light, for example, you simply feel better at ease eating more food. Is this a marketing ploy? Certainly.
Here are some interesting facts on how light impacts our feelings:
• Bright lighting amplify feelings. The more strong the emotions, the brighter the light.
• The use of blue lights boosts energy levels. Turn it off at night if you want to get a decent night’s sleep.
• Natural light boosts serotonin levels in the brain, making you feel better. Use natural light whenever possible.
A mirror to visually increase the size of the room

The room is opened and the occupants create a sense of spaciousness by strategically placing wall mirrors. Mirrors emit light across the space and enhance your mood when combined with natural light reflected around the room.
What effect does color have on human behavior?
Autumn’s warm colors, for example, elicit distinct emotions than spring’s pastels. Furthermore, each area in your home serves a particular role, and the decor should reflect that. Of course, before you begin creating, sit down and make a list of each member of your household or office’s special demands. Your project will be a surefire success if you meticulously decorate your room to meet everyone’s demands and feelings.