The pros and disadvantages of using a digital lock

Padlocks and keys are becoming increasingly obsolete. Digital locks and smart door locks are now commonplace in most homes due to their low cost and ease of installation. Furthermore, a digital or smart lock has a sleek and aesthetically sophisticated appearance (just take a look at all the smart locks in K-drama houses). Some also include or may be linked with a camera, alarm, or intercom system, enhancing the security of your door.

Are you considering replacing your traditional door locks and keys with a digital or smart door lock? Then you’ve come to the right place because we’ll tell you everything you need to know about digital smart locks and why now is the best time to make the transition.

What is the definition of a digital door lock?

Simply put, digital door locks, keypad locks, e locks, keyless door locks, and smart locks are locks that use an electric current to operate. Digital door locks work similarly to traditional padlocks, but instead of using a key to open the door, they use actuators to connect the locking bolt mechanism to a small motor that is operated electronically.

What are the different types of electronic digital locks?

It can be opened using one of the following methods, depending on the door lock system:

  • Using your fingerprint as a biometric door lock
  • Using a PIN code on an electronic keypad
  • Using a smart card instead of a keycard
  • Using an app for remote control
  • Consider a digital lock to be similar to an electronic safe or a safe lock for your front door.

Smart lock vs. digital door lock

The terms digital lock and smart lock are often used interchangeably, but there is a distinction between the two when it comes to these sorts of door locks. To unlock a door with a digital lock or keypad lock, you must be physically present. A smart lock, on the other hand, is a digital lock door with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connectivity, allowing you to operate and open it remotely using your smartphone.

What types of doors can be fitted with a digital lock?

The kind and kind of digital locks you choose will have a significant impact on this. However, most digital locks are compatible with these types of doors.

  • Doors made of UPVC
  • Doors made of wood
  • Doors made of wood
  • Door made of aluminum
  • Doors made of glass
  • Doors on the outside

Smart door lock vs. traditional lock

Smart locks are similar to traditional locks, such as padlocks, deadbolt locks, mechanical locks, door latches, mortise locks, or knob locks. A smart lock may employ an existing padlock mechanism in some circumstances, but the lock is activated electronically. You’ll get the same secure lock when it comes to keeping your security door shut and secured from intruders. Smart locks, on the other hand, come with extra functions like an alarm and a direct notification to your phone in the event of a break-in.

It’s far more convenient to type a passcode or use your fingerprint to unlock your front door than it is to fiddle around for minutes looking for your keys. You can also lock the door remotely using a smart lock, which is useful if you’re late for work and believe you might have forgotten.

Of course, replacing your padlock with a new smart lock will cost a lot more money, but if you decide it’s worth it, you’ll get all of the advantages of a smart lock:

What are some of the benefits of electronic locks?

Are you the sort to stand in front of your front door for minutes looking for your keys?

1. Make it more convenient

Say goodbye to neighbors gazing at you while you nervously seek for your keys to verify you’re not an invader with a digital or smart lock. Simply input the passcode or use your fingerprint to gain access. You may also lock your security door remotely with a smart lock.

2. Make remote access available

A digital lock or smart lock is also ideal for folks who have frequent visitors or who need to let a caregiver inside their home to care for their elderly parents. There’s no need to hide a spare key under the flowerpot or the floor mat any longer! Simply give them the PIN number (which you can alter at any time) or, if using a smart lock, allow them remote access via the smart lock’s app. You can also allow users to access your home with a PIN at particular times, such as Monday through Friday from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m., if you want to avoid any unpleasant surprises.

3. Provide a high level of security

There are less possibilities for someone to break into your home without a physical security lock, especially if your smart lock doesn’t even have a keyway to pick. And, with a smart lock, the option to change the PIN at any moment avoids the need to replace the entire set of locks and keys if you suspect your present PIN may be compromised.

You can set an alarm to go off if there is a potential break-in if you have a digital lock or smart lock installed. You’ll also get a notification if someone tries to break into your house through a smart lock. If you’re worried that someone is watching over your shoulder while you input your password, certain digital locks or smart locks have a scramble code option that lets you add more numbers before or after your PIN code.

When it comes to digital locks, how long do they last?

Your digital locks will not survive indefinitely, no matter how good they are. Digital locks, according to several sources, have a lifespan of 5 years or less. Some types and kinds last longer, while others deteriorate after a few years of use. We have some suggestions for you if you want to extend the life of your digital or smart lock:

  • Dust and grime will corrode your lock, so keep it clean.
  • Only use the proper cleaning supplies. If you clean your digital lock using petroleum-based or strong chemicals, the state of your digital lock will suffer.
  • If you mess with the keypad, the lock may be damaged.

What are some of the drawbacks to using smart locks?

The fact that a keypad lock for a door works on batteries is a minor disadvantage. Certain smart lock that when powered by excellent quality alkaline batteries, the electronic locks should last 9 to 10 months. This varies based on how frequently you use the smart lock. Every few months, you should examine your digital lock or smart lock for battery leaks.

You might be concerned that someone could “hack” your smart lock. Our recommendation is to buy your smart lock from reliable brands. To prevent any hacking, these firms equip their smart locks with superior password encryption standards.

Remember not to use numbers that contain personal information such as birthdays, anniversary dates, IC numbers, or addresses when creating a password for your door locks. Don’t make up a strange pin code that no one else in your family can remember.

Here are some suggestions for creating a strong smart lock password:

  • Choose a personal passcode that isn’t your birth date or a number that someone could guess after looking into your personal life.
  • Keep it brief and straightforward.
  • In a random order, combine relevant numbers. If you have a family of four, for example, mix the birthday months to form a secure password. Randomize it to make it more difficult for intruders to guess.
  • Make a strong password out of an acronym such as “We Are Happy Family,” which would be WAHF or 9243 in numbers.
  • Every few months, change the passcode on your smart lock.
  • Leave no paper trail for others to follow. Instead, memorize the password.

Author: DIrec-My

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